APIO DIGITAL - Bucharest, Romania
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Bucuresti, Bucharest, Romania
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By founding VIRTUALMIND and APIO DIGITAL, Alexei Adascalita and Bogdan Domide are utilizing the combination of gaming and Virtual Reality with architecture to bring disruptive innovation to the area. This inter-disciplinary approach allows for the tackling of both old and new issues with creativity and efficiency. The two began their journey of entrepreneurship at the University of Kent in Canterbury, where Adascalita explored the use of gaming and Virtual Reality in his Architecture Masters' final thesis, and Domide developed a way for multiple users to share the same digital space using Virtual Reality and Android platform for his Computer Science Bachelors' thesis. Following this, the pair was selected to be part of the BCR InnovX Accelerator's Grinders cohort, allowing them to expand
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their business knowledge. The pair also founded VIRTUALMIND, a company focused on developing Virtual Reality games that bridge the generational gap and allow parents and children to share a gaming experience with no technical expertise required. Additionally, they have received support from the Raiffeisen Bank through its factory start-up program.Listed in categories
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