SourceLess Blockchain - Constanta, Romania
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SourceLess Blockchain
Constanta, Romania
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Company description
INVENTION TITLE: Sourceless – A Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology Web Platform
Sourceless is a revolutionary web platform that uses blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) to create a more secure and efficient digital environment. The platform is designed to provide users with a secure and encrypted connection and access to a decentralized network. Additionally, Sourceless utilizes blockchain characteristics to prevent the execution of malicious software and computer viruses, as well as identity theft. Furthermore, the platform implements KYC and AML for white-labeled digital identities, and utilizes 256-bit encryption to ensure maximum security and privacy. By utilizing blockchain and DLT, Sourceless is able to reduce hosting costs and carbon emissions by up to
Sourceless is a revolutionary web platform that uses blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) to create a more secure and efficient digital environment. The platform is designed to provide users with a secure and encrypted connection and access to a decentralized network. Additionally, Sourceless utilizes blockchain characteristics to prevent the execution of malicious software and computer viruses, as well as identity theft. Furthermore, the platform implements KYC and AML for white-labeled digital identities, and utilizes 256-bit encryption to ensure maximum security and privacy. By utilizing blockchain and DLT, Sourceless is able to reduce hosting costs and carbon emissions by up to
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40%. Additionally, the distributed nature of the platform ensures that resources are not wasted on unnecessary hosting.Listed in categories
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