VoxiKids - Romania

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Bucurestii Noi, Ilfov, Romania
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VoxiKids is a revolutionary software-as-a-service platform that is transforming the way speech therapy is conducted digitally. Our mission is to provide high-quality materials created by speech pathologists, along with management tools to streamline collaboration between parents and therapists, to help children with speech impairments and reduce recovery time. Our goal is to help children integrate more easily into their social and school environments.

The e-health market is rapidly expanding, and as a result, traditional speech therapy is becoming increasingly difficult to access. 34 million children worldwide are in need of speech therapy, and a staggering 500,000 of those children are in Romania alone. This is where VoxiKids comes in. We offer a comprehensive multilingual platform  
Show more that includes specialized exercises, tracking and management tools, and a mobile app with interactive games for language development. All of this is designed to ensure that both parents and therapists can work together to improve the child's development.

VoxiKids is compliant with HIPAA and GDPR standards, making it a secure and reliable solution. We aim to be the first in this niche, taking advantage of the current digitalization trend and the boom in the e-health market. Our product is easily scalable, and our main advantage is timing.

Our clients are speech therapy offices, hospitals, and clinics, and our beneficiaries are the parents and children with speech impairments. We offer three different subscription models, including a free mobile app


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